
shop local marketing

If you have a shop local program, or are thinking about creating one, there are three things you’ll want to market simultaneously to improve your reach and guarantee your success. Without calling attention to these items, you’re likely to be more noise on a very loud Internet.


Areas to Market in Your Shop Local Program

In order to ensure its success you want to talk about the following things.

Local Currency

The addition of this program to your shop local efforts creates exclusivity and makes people feel like shop local is more than just a suggestion but something your town is really dedicated to supporting. It’s kind of like how a wearable device encourages people to get more steps in. You can get healthy without it, but wearing it means you have a constant reminder of your commitment to doing so. Seeing your local currency reminds people to spend locally.

Parking and Other Incentives

This is such a small thing but if people know they don’t need to worry or pay for parking, they’re more likely to give up the convenience of their closest box store.

Treasures and Sure Things

One of the joys of shopping local is the unique purchases available. Box stores, on the other hand, carry very predictable items. That’s one of the reasons so many people shop at them. You need to communicate what your local stores have to offer in real terms. Share pictures and encourage local merchants to feature their merchandise on their website.

There are two kinds of shoppers: those who are in it for the adventure and treasure seeking and those who have a goal in mind; they want to get in and get out. Often local merchants lose out on the latter because these customers are just not sure if the local store carries what they need. Make them sure.

What do you love about your local stores? Share more of that on social media.