
Shop local for your back to school needs

There are plank challenges, ab challenges, food challenges, green cleanse challenges and a number of others, but this challenge will do more than just make you feel good. It will help you help local businesses.

We’re now about mid-way through the summer vacation, and if you have children, you’re probably already thinking about the start of school. There are always plenty of things to buy and plenty of preparations to make before the beginning of the school year.

This year, take the back-to-school challenge and see how many of your back-to-school supplies can be purchased locally. Besides supporting your neighbors and increasing the strength of your local economy, here’s why you should buy local for back to school.

Giving Support, Yields Support

Local businesses are big supporters of PTA and youth sports associations; but if they know you are doing your back-to-school shopping with them, they’re bound to support you even more. Not only because they will be appreciative of your efforts but also because with more money coming into their businesses, they have more money to support the school community in turn.

They Know

Because they live in your community, they know details other places don’t. They know school schedules, what you need for the upcoming year and more. They may even know your teachers personally.

They Have a Vested Interest in You

When you own a business, or are employed by a small business, each sale is important to you. Owners and employees of small businesses know just where that money is going and it keeps their doors open. This means they are very interested in making you a return customer. An employee at a chain store, may value their job but they’re not as vulnerable to the ebbs and flows of business as a local merchant is. A local merchant wants you to have a good experience more than anything else because it’s important to them that you come back.

For school shopping why not try a back-to-school challenge? See how much of your school shopping can be done locally. Your child can even share the experience with his or her class what he/she learned in doing business locally.