
start 2018 with business leadership goals


As a leader in your small business community, the new year is a time for setting goals, reflecting on the past year, and finding new ways to encourage people to shop local.

Or maybe you don’t quite see yourself as a leader in your town, and want to become an influencing figure this year.

Either way…

Jump into 2018 with a Brand New Business Leadership Outlook

Try these tips:

  1. SMART Goals. When setting goals, make sure they are SMART. SMART goals are specific, measurable, achievable, results-focused, and timely. As you are writing your goals for 2018, make sure they follow this model or they will be hard to keep, like most new year resolutions. Share these goals with others to keep yourself on track. A leader keeps their word.
  2. Watch a TEDTalk specific for your industry or small business. TEDTalks are short, inspiring dialogues by thought leaders. They are motivational and often enjoyable to watch. They can also help you take your small business to the next level or find the inspiration you need on a personal one. Go to and choose the “business” topic.
  3. Mentor your employees. By investing in the people in your company, they will be happier employees, which will make you a happier leader. Think of creative ways you can mentor your employees – if someone has an interest in small business tell them about your journey.  Host team meetings where everyone shares what inspires them within the business. Create a mission statement with their input.  Let them take on leadership roles.
  4. Inspire other business leaders to join the local currency program! If you know there are companies in your town not involved, start a campaign to get them onboard. Having a mission to better your community and help others succeed will make you feel successful. Plus, the more businesses involved with local currency, the more visitors you may attract, the more attention you’ll create for shopping local, and the greater sense of community you’ll build. And these are all great things for business.

Being a leader in your community can feel like a large job.  But it doesn’t have to. Find what inspires you this month and make your personal growth a priority. It will be good for your business and for your community.

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