
HOw will your community grow after Walmart?

When a giant tree topples in the forest, it leaves a huge hole in the tree canopy but provides much needed nutrients to the fledgling trees around it.

Your community may be one of the ones affected by the recent announcement of Walmart store closings and you may be bracing for a downturn in your local economy because of it. Say what you will about the retail giant but it is a large job provider, maybe one of the largest, for many communities in our country. It is a cause of concern, but it is not the end. It doesn’t have to be.

The Potential for Growth in Small Business

A Walmart closing paves the way for a number of smaller stores to thrive. Because of its large inventory, carrying everything from milk to hunting equipment, growth is possible throughout your small business sector. Now is not the time to be thinking what megastore you can lure to your town to take its place but how you can work with local shop owners to improve their marketing message so people understand their needs can still be met in the local community.

With your small businesses thriving, they can afford to hire more people. This is not an instantaneous solution any more than a large tree falling in the forest allows smaller trees to grow over night. It takes time but it can happen. It does happen.

Someone will fill the hole left in your community by Walmart shutting down. Will it be your local businesses or will it be stores in the next town over? How you respond to this challenge? Your involvement and leadership is what local businesses need to see now more than ever.

Local merchants can provide the services as long as your community understands this is a time to come together. Morn the loss of the large tree and appreciate the growth it’s going to bring your town, assuming you’re up to the challenge.